
Showing posts from March, 2017

India's Own Space Station...Really!!!

India's own Space Station is on it's way. Yes, after launching more than 100 satellites in one go and creating a world record of launching such numbers of satellites in one launch, this question that - Can India build it's own space station station? - was popping up in almost everyone's mind.  While attending the foundation day ceremony of Raja Ramanna Center for Advanced Technology (RRCAT) ISRO's chairman AS Kiran Kumar said India has the capability to develop space station, but it needed a long term approach and ambitious planning. International Space Station (ISS) "We have all the capabilities to set up a space station. The day the country takes the decision, we will 'okay' the project. Just draw a policy and provide us necessary funds and time," Mr Kumar said. And for the ambitious planning, "We still talk about what would be the immediate benefits of a manned space mission. That is why the country hasn't made up its mi