
Showing posts from 2016

Countdown to 2017: Best snaps from the space in 2016 - Part 2

2 days more and we are into the whole new year of possibilities - 2017. But, before we step into the new year why not relieve the most magnificent images taken by the astronauts from ISS. Yes, its time for the Part 2 of the series Countdown to 2017. Well, not wasting the time here they are... 1. Glowing Colors August 11, 2016 :- Over the south of Western Australia, this spectacular view of  the Aurora Australis was visible from ISS. 2. Twisting and Turning August 15, 2016 :- Snaking across eastern Brazil, the Sao Francisco River is home to the Itaparica Reservoir. 3. Stark Contrast September 4, 2016 :- Above the Sangeang Volcano in south-central Indonesia, clouds float eerily in this photo. 4. Ancient Scars September 9, 2016 :- The Santorini Caldera in southeastern Greece was snapped from the International Space Station. 5. Nature's Art March 27, 2016 :- In southwestern Africa, the Namib Desert is reminiscent of abstract, geometric art in thi

Countdown to 2017: Best snaps from the space in 2016 - Part 1

3 days left before we enter in 2017 and say bye bye to 2016. Here, we are presenting to you top 15 breathtaking snapshot (in three parts) of Earth as declared by NASA, taken from the International Space Station (ISS). The ISS orbits 410 km above the Earth, offering a perfect vantage point for the astronauts in orbit.  Remind you again, that these images which are some of the most artful and majestic images, are taken by the astronauts on the ISS in 2016. From the International Space Station, events on Earth take on a different perspective. Well, not wasting more of your time here they are... 1. Unexpected Beauty June 25, 2016 :- Over the Philippine Sea, these sheared thunderstorms take on an Ethereal View 2. Last bits of Light October 27, 2016 :- As the sun sets over the south Atlantic Ocean, the ISS pulls the last rays of color out of the atmosphere 3. Fantastic Power July 29, 2016 :- Storms over the South China Sea build into a breathtaking frenzy

80+ satellites launch in one go!!!

ISRO: Indian Space Research Organization It's only 6 months and ISRO is again going to set a world record, actually they are going to break their own world record which they set earlier in this year in June. They launched 20 satellites successfully in orbit, creating a buzz in the space community. According to Jitendra Singh, Minister of state in PMO(Prime Minister Organization) in India, ISRO will launch 83 satellites, 80 of them being foreign, in one go in January next year. Israel, Kazakhstan, Netherlands, Switzerland and the US, entrusted ISRO to launch their 80 satellites weighing 500 kg. Three Indian satellites are namely Cartosat-2 series weighing 730 kg as primary payload, INS-1A and INS-1B, total weighing 30 kg. It will be first of it's kind mission in ISRO space history. To keep yourself updated on this mission of ISRO, keep following us. Picture of the Day Arp 240: A Bridge between Spiral Galaxies from Hubble About The Picture:-  Why is ther

EmDrive for Long Drive in Space!!!

EmDrive Engine Concept All hail Engineers!!! Yeah, they are truly amazing because they are working on ways to make spaceflight faster and cheaper. Yes, cheaper. Soon, a common person can travel in space and enjoy the adventures of being in zero gravity. The EmDrive was developed by Roger Shawyer in 2001, it generates thrust by bouncing microwaves around inside a cone-shaped chamber. The thrust produced by EmDrive is 100 times more than solar sailing spacecraft and also defying the well known Newton's third law of motion  - for every action,  there is an equal and opposite reaction - as there is no exhaust expelled out of the EmDrive system. The EmDrive requires no propellant as it could generate all the microwaves it needs using solar panels.  However, the study is just a proof of concept and further testing is needed to definitively rule out all possible sources of experimental error. Picture of the day NGC 4414: A Flocculent Spiral Galaxy About th

Water in Outer Space...NASA Psyche(d)!!!

Psyche Asteroid in Asteroid Belt Water in Outer Space! Seriously, seeing the condition of water on our Earth it's kind of a big discovery. Psyche, the largest metallic asteroid in our solar system which is about 300 km across and is made of almost pure nickel-iron metal. This asteroid provided the NASA's Infrared Telescope Facility in Hawaii evidences of water or hydroxyl on its surface. Though, in earlier observation no evidences of water rich materials was found. So, kind of strange! Last week Space Flight Launches November 2:  Satellite Name:   HIMAWARI 9 Location          :  Tanegashima Space Center Pad 1, Japan Time                :  3:20 PM JST (UTC+9) Agency            :  Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency(JAXA) and Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd. Himawari-9 aims to offer more detailed and more timely image of storms, clouds and other weather systems to forecasters in Japan and across the Western Pacific. Nov

November...It's Time for Leonid!!!

Leonids Over Monument Valley  Image Credit & Copyright:  Sean M. Sabatini Shooting stars or more scientifically meteor shower as we call them are loved by everyone. But, ever wondered are those really stars? Sorry, to say but they are only meteors - small chunks of matter from outer space, which lights up, actually they starts to burn when they enters the earth's atmosphere. Still they are beautiful. Well shooting stars or those burning meteors are spectacular only if they do not hit the earth. Those meteors who hits the earth surface are called meteorites. Meteors appear to come out of the constellation Leo during the Leonid meteor shower, which is expected to peak on Monday. Credit: StarDate Magazine Phew! that was a lot to digest. But, hey its November - time for Leonid Meteor Shower of 2016, a spectacular event for sky-watchers. The meteor shower will starts on Nov 12 and continue to graze the night sky until Nov 21. But, there's the moon - on Nov

Hello World!!! OrbView(OV) is LIVE...

Are we alone? Do we exist in parallel universe? Is time travel possible? These are few questions which are yet to be answered yet you always ponder over these questions and obviously after watching series like the flash, the zeal to get the answers of these questions are heightened.  Aurora Borealis, Manitoba, Canada Technologies are being made, questions are being solved but only few of you are aware about these developments. You know lands are being sold on moon, teleportation on quantum levels is achieved yet you are not aware of these news.It's not that you are not interested, it's just those long articles and difficult words which makes you so tire that you quit reading those articles and hence stop growing your knowledge. Here, at OrbView or OV we took an initiative to deliver you only what matters. so stop reading those boring long articles and read at OV because articles published on OV will be like those messages which are delivered through orb in those f