Countdown to 2017: Best snaps from the space in 2016 - Part 2

2 days more and we are into the whole new year of possibilities - 2017. But, before we step into the new year why not relieve the most magnificent images taken by the astronauts from ISS. Yes, its time for the Part 2 of the series Countdown to 2017.

Well, not wasting the time here they are...

1. Glowing Colors

August 11, 2016 :- Over the south of Western Australia, this spectacular view of  the Aurora Australis was visible from ISS.

2. Twisting and Turning

August 15, 2016 :- Snaking across eastern Brazil, the Sao Francisco River is home to the Itaparica Reservoir.

3. Stark Contrast

September 4, 2016 :- Above the Sangeang Volcano in south-central Indonesia, clouds float eerily in this photo.

4. Ancient Scars

September 9, 2016 :- The Santorini Caldera in southeastern Greece was snapped from the International Space Station.

5. Nature's Art

March 27, 2016 :- In southwestern Africa, the Namib Desert is reminiscent of abstract, geometric art in this image.

Part 2 ends here but this is not the end, as the most spectacular images are yet to come. From towering cold heights of Mount Fuji in Japan to the shimmering lights of Dubai. Stay tune for the last but not the least Part 3.

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