Countdown to 2017: Best snaps from the space in 2016 - Part 1

3 days left before we enter in 2017 and say bye bye to 2016. Here, we are presenting to you top 15 breathtaking snapshot (in three parts) of Earth as declared by NASA, taken from the International Space Station (ISS). The ISS orbits 410 km above the Earth, offering a perfect vantage point for the astronauts in orbit. 

Remind you again, that these images which are some of the most artful and majestic images, are taken by the astronauts on the ISS in 2016. From the International Space Station, events on Earth take on a different perspective.

Well, not wasting more of your time here they are...

1. Unexpected Beauty

June 25, 2016 :- Over the Philippine Sea, these sheared thunderstorms take on an Ethereal View

2. Last bits of Light

October 27, 2016 :- As the sun sets over the south Atlantic Ocean, the ISS pulls the last rays of color out of the atmosphere

3. Fantastic Power

July 29, 2016 :- Storms over the South China Sea build into a breathtaking frenzy in this image from the ISS

4. Not that Green

March 8, 2016 :- A unique view of the Weda Island Atoll in northeastern Indonesia

5. Patchwork in Progress

March 4, 2016 :- Crew-members aboard the ISS snapped this interesting view of the Salar de Atacama salt works in Chile
Well, Part 1 ends here. But, this is the beginning of the most wonderful and artistic images of Earth you have ever seen in 2016. Tomorrow, be prepare to immerse yourself in the beauty of our Earth - especially the Aurora Australis - in Part 2.

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